Monday, May 30, 2022

Innovative Features-did We Mention It Was Cross-platform?

Very similar to my Block Counter program, this program will count all blocks in the current layout of a drawing - be they standard, dynamic, or XRef; generating a report of the quantities at the command-line. Furthermore, for every dynamic block with a Visibility Parameter present, the number of blocks assuming every Visibility State of the dynamic block is detailed in the output report. Added Pad Between Strings function to the subfunction library. This function returns a string of a minimum specified length which is the concatenation of two supplied strings, padded between using a supplied character. Such a function is extremely useful when printing reports or lists to the command-line, and is used extensively in my Dynamic Block Counter program. Added to the Subfunction Librarya function to compute the Convex Hull of a set of points. The Convex Hull is the set of points describing the minimum convex polygon enclosing all points in a given set. The function shown implements the Graham Scan algorithm to compute the Convex Hull - a description of this algorithm including a visual demonstration of the process is included on the program page. This version incorporates code to search the working directory and AutoCAD support directories for the XRef source file, should such file not be found at the filepath encoded in the XRef. Updated Open function code and included an extra example demonstrating how the function may be used to open an arbitrary file selected by the user. As a result of the updated Read CSV function noted above, I have subsequently updated my Update Titleblock Attributesprogram to Version 1.4 to allow for CSV files containing commas and quotes. This program will automatically record daily LISP command usage in every drawing to a CSV Log File, saved to a folder specified in the program source code. Added Format DCL program to the Utilities section of the program page. This program will read a selected DCL file and autodesk autocad product key 2017 create a formatted version of the DCL code in the same directory as the selected file. This update fixes a number of bugs, the most prominent pertaining to the collection of attributed block data. This program allows the user to manipulate all properties of the background mask for a selection of Multiline Text and Multileader objects. Text & MText Border Offset is now a factor of text height where an offset factor of 1.0 exactly fits the Text or MText object, a factor of 1.5 extends the border by 0.5 times the text height etc. This emulates the behaviour of the newly implemented MText Background Mask, and enables the user to easily create a rectangular border around the background mask by specifying the same offset factor for both. This release includes more changes and is packed with more new features than any other release since the program was first drafted. The Program Description has also been predominantly rewritten to document all of the new program functionality. This program prompts the user to select an object and generates a 'chain selection' of all objects sharing endpoints with objects in the accumulative selection. As the name implies, this program enables the user to create a circular wipeout with a given center & radius in the drawing. I have added the functions Matrix Inverse (gile / Lee Mac) & Identity Matrix to the Matrix & Vector Functionssection of my Mathematical Functions page. The Matrix Inverse function uses the technique of Gauss-Jordan eliminationto calculate the inverse of a given nxn non-singular matrix. The original version of this function was written by the talented gile , which I have modified for increased performance & concision. The included Identity Matrix function will return an nxn Identity Matrix with dimension given by the supplied integer parameter. I have now included a new tutorial on the topic of Selection Set Processing to the


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