The Death of Aec LicenseThe structural engineers mainly shared BIM information with architects and seldom with other engineers and subcontractors. The MEP engineers only shared BIM information with architects and the owners. The finding that design disciplines collaborate and share information primarily with the architects as the central design discipline was expected because of the scope of design work and the design workflow. However, it was not expected that architects would report less frequent information sharing with contractors, although this might be expected in the case of design-bid-build delivery of the projects. The contractors indicated that they generally shared BIM information with all the other disciplines, mostly with architects, engineers, and owners. As expected, structural engineers and contractors were the only disciplines that shared BIM information with subcontractors. Overall, the survey responses indicated collaboration among the various stakeholders driven by the specific educational facility project phase and scope of the particular work. The architects, structural engineers, and MEP engineers indicated that these obstacles would moderately likely hinder the use of BIM on educational buildings. In addition, MEP engineers and architects were two disciplines that reported the largest number of BIM-savvy professionals in their firms, which might explain why they did not see this as an obstacle. Majority of the Respondents Use BIM. BIM use was prevalent on educational facility projects according to the professionals from all five disciplines. The majority of those respondents who did not use BIM would be interested in implementing BIM in the future except the architects that indicated having no interest in using BIM. The MEP engineers, site engineers, and architects stated that about half of the employees in their companies were BIM-savvy while the structural engineers and contractors came from the companies with a smaller proportion of BIM-knowledgeable employees. The survey participants were also asked whether they had any disputes related to BIM implementation in educational facility projects. Most of the respondents indicated that their companies have not experienced disputes while using BIM . Of those respondents that stated that BIM use has led to certain disputes, the most commonly mentioned reason for these disputes was related to liability of system designs. The second reason for disputes was related to intellectual property ownership of the building information model; all disciplines except the MEP engineers specified that this was a problem with BIM use. One architect indicated that their firm had disputes related to adequate compensation for BIM services, while another architect stated that BIM-related disputes happened because other disciplines were not using BIM. One structural engineer indicated that disputes arose due to different levels of model accuracy. Eighty-eight responses to the survey were received from the architects, engineers , and contractors. Only the responses from 68 participants that responded to the survey question about whether or not they used BIM were included in the analysis. Responses of 53 respondents that stated they had an experience with using BIM on educational facility projects were included in the analysis of the questions related to BIM adoption at the company level and BIM implementation at the project level. However, responses of all the survey respondents to the questions related to perceived benefits of BIM and obstacles to BIM implementation were included in the analysis. The cross-tabulation method was used to analyse responses according to the respondent’s role in the design. Construction process in order to determine findings by discipline. Note that, in this paper, β€Nβ€ refers to the number of respondents, while β€nβ€ refers to the number of selections made in the case of β€select all that applyβ€ type of
Saturday, August 6, 2022
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