Wednesday, September 28, 2022

How To Draw Threads In Fusion 360 - The Story

What Everyone Should Know About How To Draw Threads In Fusion 360So if you want free software, someone needs to pay. There's also free tier with additional features for educators and students. Granted someone is paying for this, or I have already paid for it out of my taxes, but the listed hobbies can be done for free with enough effort. Maybe it wouldn't have happened if ALL of its users paid some amount of money to use it. Or even better, it wouldn't have happened if a batch of the free tier users didn't abuse the licensing agreements. Most personal users will just move to other free or cheaper software. The people are not talking about free software as their right. It just sucks the price went from free to ~$300/y. You have to realize that companies like Autodesk keep so many products alive even when they are losing money on them for years, quite thanklessly. For years companies tried to squeeze the enterprise customers more so that they can fund hobbies for others. And when finally they can't anymore and decide to charge for SOME FEATURES, while still keeping a freemium tier alive, everyone starts talking about the big evil corp. "Bikes are physical but software is not, therefore it doesn't cost significant resources and manpower to be used". That would probably be sufficient for light industrial use as well though. And those are the customers they are trying to "shake down". No judgement, but that's the problem with hobbyist stuff that is professional grade... They require "your stuff" to be in their cloud, with no local download option, and if you do not use the service for N months, your account is purged. $8-10 a month would be awesome, and they would probably make a ton of money using that subscription model. I think only the lack of STEP export is a showstopper.


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