Monday, May 29, 2023

Dirty Facts About Can't Install Revit Revealed

Buying Can't Install RevitSelect my products, create deployment, download the exe. How does one get this "classic" deployment tool through AVA? I am pretty pissed that they decided to force this cloud crap on people who don't want or need it. However, so far I have not figured out how to get AVA to do anything but offer me a full Revit installer download, which I don't need. I am not the only person having issues with this, the Autodesk forum has 2-3 threads of peeps with the same issues. The answer seems to be use the classic deployment however Autodesk does not support it, and if you need to download it you have to use Ava the automated Autodesk chatbot to get the package.

You can do it a little bit faster too, depending on your background. AutoCAD is not a complicated tool, so you can get fluent in it very soon. As autocad requirements graphics card a general rule, Revit requires 20 times the RAM of the loaded Revit project file. So a 200MB RVT file requires approximately 4GB1 of RAM to open.


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